Carte de coureur

Ivan Gumbin

Race: Yorkshire Dales Divide 2024
Suivi: YDD
Catégorie: 20 - 29
Commander: 14
Moving time: 48 h 11 min
Standing time: 6 h 20 min

Horaires des courses

Point de contrôle Commander Temps réel Temps intermédiaires
Start Arnside Pier - Ve, 08:30:00 -
CP1 Highbark 11 Ve, 13:36:45 05:06:45
CP2 Bolton Abbey 7 Ve, 16:56:45 03:20:00
CP3 Boroughbridge 8 Ve, 21:40:30 04:43:45
CP4 York Minster 4 Ve, 23:40:30 02:00:00
CP5 Driffield
CP6 Scarborough 10 Sa, 12:50:30 13:10:00
CP7 Glaisedale 11 Sa, 17:50:30 05:00:00
CP8 Osmotherly 30 Sa, 23:13:45 05:23:15
CP9 Catterick 20 Di, 03:25:30 04:11:45
CP10 Bainbridge 19 Di, 10:05:30 06:40:00
CP11 Cam Road Summit 16 Di, 10:45:30 00:40:00
CP12 Dent 14 Di, 12:16:15 01:30:45
CP13 Crosslands Wind Farm 13 Di, 14:00:45 01:44:30
Finish Arnside Pier 15 Di, 15:00:45 01:00:00
Résultats globaux

Données personnelles

Ivan Gumbin
Nom: Ivan Gumbin
Nationalité: ru
Des médias sociaux:
Bio: Moved to the UK in 2023, based in Manchester. Trying to ride my bike here and there while having full time job and family responsibilities :)